Volvo Cars Silver Spring
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Volvo Cars Silver Spring

Things You Should Keep in Your Vehicle

Your car is one of your most important tools and for most drivers, it takes you everywhere. But did you know there are things you should take everywhere you go that you could easily store in your vehicle? Here are some of the things you'd find in our personal vehicles if you ask the team here at Volvo Cars Silver Spring.

First Aid Kit

You never know when you might need a bandage or need to clean a small wound. A basic first aid kit can be essential whether you're at a local sporting event or have an incident on the road. Make sure your kit has gloves, antiseptic, various bandages, and any medications you and your family might need.


Whether you have a passenger who is colder than everyone else, someone in the back seat needs to take a nap, or your heat stops working in the winter, a blanket can be a lifesaver. 


Parents with kids probably don't leave the house without something to occupy their kids during drives. However, many of us find ourselves waiting in our vehicles. A book, video, or hobby could help you pass the time while you wait for a friend to show up, need to spend some time before an appointment or find yourself waiting for roadside assistance.

Cargo Organizer

Where will you keep all these items? A Cargo organizer of course! Keep all the things on this list, along with anything else you might have in your vehicle all organized and safe in your cargo area or trunk. This essential item can keep things from breaking, spilling, or getting lost while you're driving.

Tire Pressure Gauge

Many brand-new models have tire pressure monitoring, but not all of them give live read-outs of current tire pressure. Tire pressure is such a vital piece of information that you should always be able to check your tire pressure. Keeping one of these on hand can help you address a leaking tire before it leaves you stranded.


Getting caught in a rainstorm without a rain jacket is pretty inconvenient. If you keep an umbrella in your vehicle, you'll always be ready when bad weather happens. It's also great to have on hot summer days when you'll be exposed.

If you want a new vehicle that packs tons of great convenience features, contact the Volvo Cars Silver Spring team. We can show you all the amazing features available in our newest models.